Card Cracker 2 (2023 - 24)
This course is a comprehensive and complete solution to the 2rd Card of all the three subjects - Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry.
The course is focused for MBBS and BDS 1st Professional examination.
This course covers all the topics from
1. Superior Extremity ( Anatomy)
2. CVS physiology
3.. Food & Nutrition ( Biochemistry)
Additionally, the course is supplemented with allotted topics from "Histology" and "Embryology".
The classes are prof-oriented and also focus on conceptual development of the students.The course is designed with adequate clinical correlation.
Total classes - 40+
Recorded for 2 years
24 × 7 live chat box service
Exclusive highlighted notes
Textbook oriented
1. Dr Ashraful Alam
2.Dr Tanvir Hossain Moon
3. Dr Adnan Mahmud Tamim
4. Yeasteak Ahmed Saad
Lifetime Discount - 10% ( for previous card cracker students )
বিঃদ্রঃ Mediverse এর কোন কোর্সে Enroll করার পর টাকা অফেরতযোগ্য। প্রয়োজনে কোর্স সম্পর্কে Helpline এ ফোন করে বিস্তারিত জেনে নিন এবং Demo ক্লাস দেখে নিন। কিন্তু Enroll করার পর কোন প্রকার Refund করা হবেনা।
Dr.Adnan Mahmud Tamim | 18-19
Yeasteak Ahmed Saad | 2019-20
Rangpur Medical College
Dr. Md Tanvir Hossain | 2018-19
MBBS (RMU), Intern Doctor
Dr. Ashraful Alam | 2014-15
MBBS, FCPS P-1 (Surg.), MRCS P-A (UK)
Surprisingly 18% of the students liked this course
Course Info
Total class
Already Enrolled
Course Fee
BDT 2050
BDT 1538