Master Course for Intern,GP and Paediatrician

A Master Course for Interns, GP Practitioners and Pediatricians

আসসালামু আলাইকুম। আশা করছি কোর্সটি আপনাদের সবার জন্য কল্যানকর হবে ইনশাআল্লাহ।

⭕কোর্সটি কাদের জন্য? ➡️Interns, GP Practitioners & Pediatricians

🟦Features of the Course🟦

🔺Master Course for Being Master of Acute condition Mx, Ward Mx and Chamber Mx

🔺Course Duration- 2Months

🔺 Recordings will be availableECG

r 1.5 years from enrollment and you can extend your access for 1.5 year by paying 15% of basic fee 

📚mentor: 🔥Dr. S.M. Samsuzzaman  MBBS, BCS, FCPS P-1(Pediatrics),  MD phase-A( Pediatric Cardiology), MRCPCH(Clinical)

🟦This content will be discussed on Course:-

1. Introduction, Approach to Patients, Breaking a Bad news, Communication, Counselling and Sharing experiences.

2. Acute Condition Mx Techniques 

3. Common Paediatric disease and their Mx ( Chamber + Hospital)  Example : New born Mx Pneumonia, Bronchiolitis,Cold, Diarrhoea, Malnutrition, Anaemia, Anorexia and so on.... 

4. Emergency Condition Mx of the New born,Infant and Children Example : Severe Respiratory Distress, Lethargy, Vomiting, Convulsion, Febrile Seizure and so on...

5. Pediatric Dose Calculation of drugs 

6. Common Medical Illnes (Medicine)  Example : Diabetes, Hypertension, Fever, Asthma, COPD, PUD, Dyspepsia, Anorexia, Vertigo,Dyslipidemia.... 

7. Medical Emergency Mx  Example : Unconsciousness, Approach to Conversion disorder, Aproach to Hypoglycemia, Approach to Hyperglycemia (Diabetic Ketoacidosis), Approach to Chest Pain ( MI? or other cause)

8. Common Skin Diseases  Example : Tinea, Scabies Foliculitis, Urticaria, Rash 

9. Common Gynae Aproach Example : PID, UTI, Hyperemesis Gravidarum 

10. Common Investigation and their Interpretation  Example : CBC, PBF, Urine R/E, Chest X-ray, ECG

বিঃদ্রঃ ওয়েবসাইটের যেকোনো সমস্যার জন্য আমাদের প্রথম ভিডিওটি দেখে নিন 



Dr.S.M. SAMSUZZAMAN | 2010-11

Resident Doctor,Paediatric Cardiology,BSMMU,MRCPCH(Clinical), FCPS(FP),BCS

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BDT 1230

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